Ottertail Country

Ottertail Country
Ottertail South

February 28, 2011

Winter's grip loosens a little.....


Hey, I finally have a photo of the Ottertail Springs!! Or, rather, the impoundment created there by the earth berm that we are sitting on. Kate, Mag, Barb, Gene, Sue and Neil as we all looked
about 50 years ago.......

The Ottertail Springs also look quite different now, not many trees around it, the whole north side exposed by gravel diggings, etc.

And I knew I had an aerial photo stashed somewhere. This was taken a few years ago by me in my airplane. Little did I know......

We have gotten some things put away and the dining table put back together.

I borrowed a dining chair so I could look out the windows as I murdered a couple of tunes on the accordion. Luckily the photo has no sound file attached.

Starting to look a little like home! Peg and I camped out at the A-frame about a week ago, and we dragged the small grill over there.

The first cookout at the new house. The weather was pretty nice that day, so the grilling session was very pleasant.

And that steak turned out just right......

Back at the homestead we had a problem with vandals. Some yahoo(s) snuck in while we were gone and cut the woodpile into little pieces.... durn varmints.

And, coming soon, a personalized report on the American Birkebiener, 2011! Check back for this update....... and remember....

Well, that's about it for now.

I gotta go, Carlo


Unknown said...

There's a lot more snow there now than in those pictures! It sure is a cozy place, with lots of neat features. I especially like the stones in the floor around the fireplace, though I have to say they aren't easy on bare feet!

I worked on my little write up today, but it's getting out of control length-wise! I guess I had a lot to say...!!! I'll cut it down & finish it up hopefully tomorrow.

Thanks again for having us - we had a great time & it was good to see you both! ;)

Unknown said...

What is the little stone building behind the house/garage?

yram said...

Nice pics. I forgot the little stone house...just like the one at the farm? I always loved that when I was a kid but always a little leery for some reason. The Otter Tail Spring pic is a beaut!
Looking forward to the Kort story.

Anonymous said...

That's what we're still doing too... finding little unusual but wonderful little things in and about the house. The little stone building is a root cellar... complete with a famous circular stairway going down to a concrete "vault/cellar"... I'm claustrophobic so haven't been able to make the entire trip down there yet... :(... but there is a thought about making it into a sauna.
Keep writing Litzy.. :)
It was nice to have you guys up here too. the only think better would have been if you could have brought R & B too. :(.
hugs to you all. ps

Unknown said...

It's taking me longer than I wanted to chronicle my training / race experience. But Ali's used to the publishing deadline & her's is posted on the Journal Sentinel Online already....

Anonymous said...

I love this post! I can't wait to come visit:)


Anonymous said...

I'm with Litzy - it's taking longer than expected for the Flurry article too!! But it is not forgotten!!

Nice seeing all of the progress at the new place!

Wish those varmits from the old place, though, would come visit our wood pile :-)
