Friday was one of those days.... each time I looked out the window at work, I could tell that there was NO WIND at all. I should have taken 1/2 vacation day and headed somewhere in the plane! This guy, Karthikkumar, is one of our India office employees and has been here for about 5 months. He is leaving for India in a couple of weeks and has been wanting a ride in the plane. He came into my office mid-day on Friday and he suggested we go that day... so we headed to the airport at 5:30 and he had a ride.

We saw local chuter, Jim Heizler, in the air with his powered parachute. We flew near him once and then went our own way. I caught up with Jim when it was time to land and we talked while he put away his chute. Being quite cold, I left quickly for the warmth of my truck.

Saturday morning found us working on the electric project. First we finished the trench to the appropriate depth. That was way the most funnest thing we've done in a long time.... not that bad, in reality.

Next order of business was to get a hole drilled throught the bottom of the house wall. This is where the conduit fitting will attach to the wall and allow the wire to get into the basement. Three layers of wood, about 4" to drill through. Always a treat with a hole saw.

At the garage, I decided to attach a piece of treated decking material to the wall. This will allow the siding J-channel to go around wood and allow secure fastening of the conduit and fitting to the wall.

Yes, this thing here is what it's all about. I'll pick up a few last minute things in Phillips this afternoon, and then we'll be set to finish the wire install tomorrow. I'll be heading to Phillips to, what else, go flying!

An old friend from work, Jim Kucaba, has been very interested in my plane. He called early Saturday morning and suggested we take advantage of the nice weather and go for a plane ride. A little arm twisting and it was decided. Looks like it takes a call from a would-be passenger to get me going..... We would meet at the airport a little before 4:00 a take it from there. We took off about 4:15, flew the area out around Jim's house, down to Prentice, the Ottertail, Ogema and back north. We landed about 6:20, just at sunset.

I think he had a good time, or else he just likes grinning......
_____________Hey, fly that aeroplane, would ya???_____________

Greetings: Lots of work with that garage, but worth it, I'm sure. I knew a Jim Kucaba years ago. How old is this fellow. There was a Jim Kucaba that delivered milk to "Ladysmith Milk Producers", located in Prentice at the Blount location. I worked in the office. I think he was delivering milk. Ask this fellow.
I'm guessing that it may have been his father, but I'll try to remember to check....
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