Ottertail Country

Ottertail Country
Ottertail South

March 2, 2008

The olden days.....

First off, here's a view of a turkey making itself scarce. I guess I got too close to the window while trying to photograph the flock.....

Anyway, I just took a little walk down memory lane. If you go to "Old Ramblings" in the right sidebar, you can select a month's worth of old posts, starting with the inception of this illustrious, long-lived blog..... May, 2005.
As always, double-click photos for enlarged view.

Have fun, Carlo


Anonymous said...

That turkey looks so combersome to get off the ground. I enlarged the picture of the chalet and it is a wonderful picture. Will look at you old posts. "Thanks"


yram said...

Excellent photo. can't believe those birds can fly. and why can't chickens? strange.
can't wait for spring. redwings should be here soon.